Day 7: Light

I'm totally going to take this post in a different direction than you might expect.  First, Lebanon is hot.  I know there is snow in the US, but we are still wearing tank tops here.  All this heat has changed something in me that I never thought could be changed:  I have become a light eater.  I'm the girl who loves burgers for breakfast, who ate chili dogs during halftime at my high school soccer games... Confession:  I sometimes crave hot wings when I'm nauseous to "calm my stomach." I have a stomach of iron.  But here, sometimes I'm just too hot to eat, let alone eat anything heavy.  There are days when I even eat meals without meat.  Unfathomable!  In the wake of this sudden change in my dietary habits, I've found a new go-to meal.  I present to you the very light, but tasty and filling, Pasta Chicken Salad from Universal Snack.  Their menu describes is as "chicken, pasta, corn, green pepper, lettuce, cucumber, tomato, boiled eggs."  It is delightful.  Sorry this isn't the greatest picture; these are leftovers from my fridge.  Grace please!


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