
I feel very privileged to have visited a few countries in my time, and thought I might occasionally write about them.

When I was 19 I boarded a plane for the first time and headed to Slovakia.  Four flights later I landed in Eastern Europe, expecting to experience 'culture shock' and have my expectations shattered.

One thing that makes me laugh the most as I look back is how over-prepared I might have been.  I had heard to expect a new world to be stressful at times and that scales would be pulled off my eyes to my American ways.

I buffered myself for the shock, the rub, the friction... and it never really came.

I loved Slovakia. In fact, I love almost everywhere I am.  Maybe a life time of books and media have taught me to see through someone else's eyes.  Maybe I'm just extremely pragmatic, and when someone says, "It'll be different"  I think, "Okay.  It'll be different.  Expectations, done and done."  I jumped right in to Slovak culture and learned one valuable lesson in the mean time:  just because something could be a problem, doesn't mean it has to be.

Back to Slovakia.  I spent most of my time in Kosice, but did spend a weekend each in Bratislava; Krakow, Poland; and Prague, Czech Republic.  

I made some great friends, none of which I keep in touch with (where was Facebook in 2005? Not on my radar!), but I think about them from time to time.  I ate some great steak, boy did I eat some great steak.  I saw what God was doing in the hearts of the Slovak people, and I got to be a part of it.  I prayed for them while on their soil and I came back passionate about giving each person in every nation the opportunity to hear the gospel.

Some of the lasting remnants of my time in Slovakia are friendships of the people I traveled with: Amber, Lynn, Stacy, Meg, and others. Amber is actually moving back to Slovakia next year, and you can follow her and her husband's (and baby's) journey here.

Instead of prattling on and on about Slovakia (maybe too late for that), I'll let you enjoy some pics.

Me outside of a hot dog stand.
 I've actually made this face/expression/gesture on 3 continents.
Not on purpose. 
Some of the people (American and Slovak) I got to spend the summer with
A few people I spent a lot of time with in Slovakia:  Hunter, Rado, and Dara.
O, 19-year-old Christi.  I have so many things to tell you...
Starting with, don't wear your hair like that and get rid of those shorts.  

An actual defenestration took place here.  And it
involved manure.  Awesome.  You can read
about the Defenestration of Prague here.  
Elton John was in Slovakia at the same time as me!
Didn't get to go to the concert though, but did get to see these adds
all summer!
And then I started to imitate his signs...
Which led to all of us imitating a lot of signs.  Miss you Holly!
I also decided to dye my hair bright red in Slovakia
(the first and last time I dyed my hair to date).
Ronald McDonald hair (and the sun in my eyes apparently.)
When in Rome...
This picture comes with a special challenge:
Can you pick the buildings built after communism came in?
(Hint:  There's a clear dividing line.)

1 comment:

  1. Yay for posts from one of my favorite people (i.e. YOU) that also include another of my favorite people (i.e. Holly).
