Review- My Imaginary Jesus

So last weekend I sat down and pounded through My Imaginary Jesus by Matt Mikalatos.  The book has gotten a lot of hype and praise for it's originality, humor, and depth, so I was excited to see what all of the fuss was about.

I loved it.  I laughed aloud all the way through it.  It was thought-provoking and refreshing!

Filled with imaginary Jesuses and violent escapades to expunge them, the book doesn't take itself seriously.  Mikalatos' journey rides straight to your heart on this humor, and there finds plenty of work to do.  Although fanciful, the book is firmly rooted in a gospel-portrayed Jesus, and the fallen nature of the human heart.  Props to the author (do people still say props?) for using narrative didactically.  No, that's not an oxymoron.

Having had the opportunity to hear Matt speak a couple of times, (let's just say we're on a first name basis Matt.  You re-tweeted me once.  That counts, right?), I've always appreciated his authenticity and simplicity.  He has a way of retelling gospel stories I've heard dozens of times, but making them alive and real like I was there.

Plus, the book is funny.  And laughter is good for you. "Good grief, someone stole my talking donkey."  I highly recommend it, especially because there's nothing else like it out there.  I'm excited to get through his next book, Night of the Living Dead Christian.  I'll let you know how it goes...


  1. Hi, Christi! Great review, and I'm so thrilled you enjoyed My Imaginary Jesus. My second book, however, is not "Night of the Living Dead" which is a horror movie about zombies. Nay, it is rather called "Night of the Living Dead Christian." :)


  2. Oops. My wife had borrowed my computer and was logged into google. That last comment was from me, not her.

  3. haha... Sorry Matt! I'll forgive your faux pas if you can forgive mine. :o)
